Aquaculture Growth Promoter
AAquatic species like fishes, prawns and shrimps are one of the best and cheap sources of lean meat and that because of that the aquaculture industry are growing at a faster speed. For fulfilling the rising demand heavy importance are given to the production of fish and their nutrition. The nutrition is the main influencing factor which has the ability to culture fish to exhibits its genetic potential for growth and reproduction. The live food which are gained from the aquaculture pond or lake are the best source of these nutrients. But in artificial pond or lake which are used for cultivating fishes in large quantity generally lacks these nutrients as the natural feed is limited to it. In replacement of this, the use of fish feedis common to fulfill the nutritional requirement of the body.
With the use of fish feed as protein source it increases the operational cost which rises the need for alternative. So for this the feed needs to be fortified with aquaculture feed additive These feed additives are edible substances that are added to the feed of fishes in small quantity which enhance the feed quality and provide desired nutritional value to the body so that it enhances growth performance and reduced rate in mortality.
Thus we use “Double Growth Gold” as one of the important fish feed additive that consist of all essential nutrients like amino acids, proteins, minerals and trace elements that helps in better growth of the body and improves production. Amino acids and proteins are important biomolecules which regulate metabolic pathways and serve as precursors for synthesis of biologically important substances. With this it regulates metabolic activity like; improving health, survival, growth and development.
It is advised to use “Double growth gold” regularly along with the feed which can provide many health benefits to the body.
1. Enhance body weight of fishes, shrimps, prawns etc.
2. Faster body growth and better weight gain.
3. Helps in developing new tissues.
4. Prevents stress and acts as an immune modulator and antioxidants.
5. Effective in vitamin deficiency and malnutrition’s.
6. Reduce mortality ratio.
7. Acts as a supportive therapy in the conditions like molting, Anorexia, Fatty Liver etc.
Dosage & Direction
For Aquaculture
Regular Treatment: 2Kg per ton of feed.
Medical Treatment: 5gm-10gm per kg feed.
Or, as recommended by an Aquaculture consultant.