Pond Cleaner Medicine
In aquaculture farming, the main motto is to gain better health and faster growth of the aquatic species. With the increase in faming on a commercial basis it is very important to check the water quality and the nutritional value for achieving better health and growth of the aquatic species. For this there is use of many chemicals which are used to treat diseases of cultured aquatic species and to improve water quality in culture facilities. A lot of diseases are present which affect the health of the shrimps/fishes which are caused due to the water quality. Some of the major issues which affect the water quality is the presence of harmful and noxious gases which increases the pH level and make it toxic that lowers the health and increase stress.Environmental degradation in some areas has increasingly made the water quality unsuitable for aquaculture. Because of this situation a number of chemical uses has also increased, particularly in marine shrimp culture. The chemicals are used mainly to treat diseased animals and, to a lesser degree, to improve water quality in culture facilities.Farmers want to get maximum yield, but few would like to increase their cost of buying chemicals. The aggressive promotion of chemical products by salesmen has partly led to an increased use of drugs and chemicals.
Water conditions in the rearing pond deteriorate through the production cycle due to uneaten food, animal's excretion, etc.Generally, shrimp farmers use dissolved oxygen pH, ammonia, water color and water odor as indicators to judge the water quality of the pond.The amount of oxygen dissolved in the pond water is vital to the shrimp's health. However, in the rearing pond, dissolved oxygen is mainly consumed by pond sediment and plankton. Only a small portion of dissolved oxygen is consumed by the shrimp which needs oxygen enhancer for maximum availability of oxygen.
But at this situation, the priority is to clean the water and to remove harmful substances form the bottom for better health. Chlorination has become a standard procedure adopted by most shrimp farmers for pond preparation. The purpose is to eliminate harmful organisms entering the pond with water. We use “Ponsan” a vital sanitizer for aquaculture pond which helps in this. It consists of Benzalkonium chloride (BKC), Stabilizer, Emulsifier and base material for better result. The presence of chlorine in this proved to be very effective in disinfecting the water supplies for shrimps and shrimp hatcheries. This water disinfectant effectively kills bacteria and other pathogenic.
1. It is safe and rapid acting bactericide, algaecide and fungicide.
2. Effective in controlling various diseases like Antenna rot, Tail rot, Gill rot, Bacterial Gill diseases.
3. With antimicrobial feature it is recommended to use in shrimp hatcheries for prevention of infections.
4. Improves water quality.
5. Competitive expulsion of pathogens.
6. Remove Sludge from pond bottom.
7. Removes harmful pathogens in the water.
8. Effective in reducing red discoloration, and muscle necrosis which are common in shrimp farming.
Dosage & Direction
For Shrimp:
375ml-650ml per acre per meter of water depth.
Or, as recommended by Aquaculture consultants.