Aquagrow Up
I n feeding aquatic species it is aimed to find the best possible natural feed additivewhich can replace the use of antibiotics with natural occurring promoters (probiotics, prebiotics, feed enzymes, organic acids and herbs). Various study shows that the pond primary productivity can contribute to shrimp nutrition that helps in achieving better growth of the body. Natural diet includes sustainability of nutritional requirements during post larval and juvenile stages shortly after the stocking of the ponds, reduction of mortality in post-larvae and increases of growth rates in shrimp farm ponds. The pond provides all the nutrients that are essential for better growth. Adequate management of the pond enhancing the natural production would elevate the availability of high-quality food for shrimp, reducing operation costs and minimizing environmental impact which is paramount for the success and sustainability of any commercial shrimp farming operation.
With increase in cultivation of shrimp commercially, there is lack of nutritional value among them, as a large number of shrimps are farmed in a limited size of pond which provide low amount of nutrients which affect their health and growth. A low level of nutrients in the pond can cause low health, and also cause stress in the pond which can result in increased mortality ratio.
Thus there is a need of sustainable aquaculture feed additives, which is used externally that helps in improving the nutritional value and reduce the mortality ratio. These feed additives are cost effective as are much more effective than antibiotics that are used for growth. AquagrowUp is one of the best shrimp growth promoter which consist of all essential vitamins and trace minerals that are effective in improving the health and metabolic activities. It is a stable feed additive and contains Vitamin A, D3, E, H and B-complex with added benefits of minerals like Calcium, cobalt, magnesium, iron, copper etc which provide many health benefits to the body. It is also advised to use toxin binder which can binds the harmful toxins and remove ammonia and nitrogen from the pond for effective growth.
Benefits of Aquagrow Up:
1. Prevents vitamin and mineral deficiency from the body.
2. Provide quick relief from the stress which are caused due to transportation or climate change
3. Helps in reducing mortality ratio.
4. Helps in boosting immunity for better disease resistance capability.
5. Enhance body weight and growth.
6. Helps in giving better feed conversion ratio.
Direction For Use
For Shrimps
10gm-20gm/Kg of feed.