Aquaculture is a fast-growing sector where fishes and shrimps are cultivated on a large scale, as they are a cheap source of lean meat. High quality of meat and products depends upon the health condition of the aquatic species. For all the circumstances that are needed is proper supplementation which provide desired nutritional factor to the body which supports chemical and physiological process of the body. These process helps in increasing the body normal function, its immunity, diseases resistance capability, maintenance of health and faster weight growth. It involves ingestion, digestion, absorption and transport of nutrients and removal of waste. There are various types of minerals that are responsible for this, and are divided into certain categories. Minerals are required in considerable quantities and termed Macro-elements while others which are required in lesser amounts are referred to as Micro-elements (Trace Minerals). The micro elements (Trace Minerals) are having greater role in shrimp nutrition along with other minerals for healthy shrimp/fish body and better production. The main source of these nutrients is the pond, which act as a natural resource of these minerals. But as the Aquaculture has been developed extensively in high stocking density with increased production level, the pond is unable to provide the required nutrition to shrimp/ fish under commercialization culture practice. With this, the soluble nutrition in water is not sufficient for fast body growth of animals with in limited culture period.The additional balanced diet is required to provide as feeding to overcome the nutrition deficiency of culture shrimp/fish.The minerals including trace minerals are playing major role in nutrition for various functions of body and growth for semi-intensive/ intensive culture. The enriched trace minerals dietary composition has a significant impact on immune functions, disease resistance, and stress free of shrimp/fish.General function of minerals includes constituents of the exoskeleton, balance of osmotic pressure, structural constituents of tissues and transmission of nerve impulse and muscle contractions. Minerals serve as essential components for enzymes, vitamins, hormones, pigments, and co-factor in metabolism, catalysts, and enzyme activators.
In this situation there we use “Anfaboost ATM Pro” an essential trace mineral supplement and feed additive for aquaculture which consist of all essential minerals in right proportion which are effectively needed. The main elements that are found in this feed additive are Cobalt, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Zinc & Calcium with many more. When on consumption it can provide many health benefits to the body.
1. Provide all nutrients and minerals to the body.
2. Enhance the immune system
3. Facilitates faster recovery from diseases.
4. Helps in increasing the bone and structural integrity.
5. Helps in reducing stress.
6. Improve livability, growth and FCR.
Features of ATM Pro:
- 1. ATM Pro offers superior bioavailability of trace minerals.
- 2. Very stable in presence of other chelating agents.
- 3. Contains minerals in highly bioavailable organic and inorganic form.
Direction For Use
For Shrimps
1Kg/Ton of feed.