Yucca Feed Additive
Ammonia and nitrogen are one of the agents which causes problems in aquaculture industry. Different restoration technique is used for their removal. Chemical and antibiotics are more used for this which help in removal but at the cost of health of aquatic species. Thus there is need of sustainable solution which can help in removing the ammonia and nitrogen from the pond and also improve the health of the fishes and prawns without any side effect. Thus the Extract of Yucca shidigera comes into light which has proven effective in reducing the ammonia in freshwater system and also improve the health of aquatic species. The results which we get after using yucca, show that yucca extract significantly reduced the concentration of ammonia while other water quality parameters were relatively stable. Ammonia is toxic to aquatic organisms, especially fish, since the metabolism of fish and crustacean can be severely damaged by short term contact with high level of ammonia. Ammonia is also toxic to some nitrification bacteria, inhibiting the nitrification process, which causes further increase of ammonia in the system. When there is access amount of ammonia, the pH level of the water increases which can detoriates health and can cause stress in the pond by which the rate of mortality increases which can harm the economic
Thus for this we use “Yucca Lite” a special formulation of yucca extracts with Bacilus subtilis, Bacilus Licheniformis, Lacto bacillus sporogenes, lactobacillus fermentum which can provide many benefits to aquatic species and aquaculture pond. It is also advised to use Trace minerals along with this which can provide various minerals to their body that promotes a better growth.
Health Benefits of Yuuca Nitrobactor:
1.Reduces toxic ammonia form water.
2. Effective in reducing noxious gases.
3. Reduce foul odors from pond.
4. Reduce organic sludge.
5. Detoxifies pond water.
6. Reduces frequent water change.
Dosage & Direction
For Shrimp & Prawns:
Regular use: 10gms/Kg of pellets.
Stress/Poor Growth/Disease condition: 20gm/Kg of pellets.